What is Intuitive eating?

Are you curious about Intuitive Eating but not sure where to start or what it is about? In this episode, I explain what Intuitive eating is and the 10 principles If you are raring to go after finding out what we can do and want to dip your toe

I also mention the free downloadable guide to start you on your journey to whole health you can get your copy HERE

My new Intuitive eating program will be launched soon join the mailing list to be kept informed of the launch date HERE

P.S. If you want to learn more you can join the community or check out my signature program The Vibrant Life Project or the Menopause for Thoughts Program

I'm Gemma Sanda

I am a solo mum turned entrepreneur and I help people with their journey to whole health

"I am dedicated to helping people lead a vibrant life, regardless of their starting point. During my twenties and thirties, I experienced economic and financial abuse, which limited my opportunities. Although my health was a priority, the conventional healthcare system was unable to provide me with the support I needed to fully recover and grow. As a result, I explored alternative modalities and gained valuable knowledge that I now use to help others.

Through my organization, Glolife, I curate various events, workshops, and retreats throughout the year, many of which are connected to my favourite charities, SEA and TDAS."

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